This is my public forum. I will post blogs about issues that i care about, and open it up to comments from you, the readers. Read more about in my first post. Read and comment at your own risk. Ideological conversions may occure.

Socialism is socialism, where ever it happens.

Quote of the Week

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty”. Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Cuban System?!

Ok, this has been going around for a little while now, and I didn’t touch on it because, well frankly, this is just a whole new level of absurdity that I didn’t believe would gather this much steam. Am I really hearing our government representatives advocating for a communist health care system? What more proof do people need besides Ezekiel Emanuel, which I’ll touch on a bit later, that the democrats intend to turn this country into a socialist takeover of every aspect of the private sector? Now, I dare anyone to come on here and try to tell me that Floridians are fleeing to the ocean in search of Cuban health care under Fidel Castro. That argument is so absurd, it begs a Barney Frank. Think about what it says about our supposedly democratic representatives if this is the sort of system they are advocating for. Guys don’t think that it can’t happen here. If it could happen in every other “free” state in the world, it definitely can happen here. All it takes is a citizen base that doesn’t pay attention to what’s happening around them, and a federal government that can re-interpret the constitution so that they dictate what freedoms you should be allowed to have and not have. They are already trying to do so with the second amendment.

The fact of the matter is democrats cannot deny these myths of health care reform when the health care advisor is out saying that the Hippocratic Oath is the problem with our health care system. They can’t say that there are no “death panels” when Ezekiel Emanuel is saying that true health care reform can’t exist unless doctors are forced to deny treatment to the sick for the greater good of society and government finances.

The only logical conclusion I can draw is that this administration is striving toward a communist end. There are four major agendas for this presidency: first, the stimulus, to control and regulate and eventually run in a fascist since any industry in the country. Then there is the carbon tax, to regulate every aspect of our lives as it relates to our “carbon foot-print.” They will regulate what cars we drive, how warm our houses are, what we can and can’t throw away, how much water we are allowed to use in a given period, and effectively a control on essential resources for everyone’s everyday needs. Then there is the government takeover of health care, where the government will be allowed control of our lives as it relates to the cost associated with our care. They will dictate where we can eat and how much, what kind of television we can watch, how much exercise we must maintain in order to qualify for certain compensation, under HR 3200 they will even have access to your bank accounts so they can monitor what you spend your money on, and they will be able to control what private businesses are allowed to offer to us for whatever safety reason they feel like citing. Finally they will control free speech. There is already an effort toward this front, senate bill S. 773 will allow the president to declare an emergency and take control of private sector computer networks and internet content. He isn’t required to specify what the emergency is, but he will have the authority to declare one and take control of private networks and computers and content that has been posted on private websites. The department of homeland security has already declared “right-wing hate” speech to be a threat to national security, so imagine what the president would do with the authority to federally regulate the content of the internet. The administration lost public support for the health care debate because of the wide spread influence of information sources on the internet. They don’t want to lose that way again.

If we continue to turn a blind eye to the agendas of this presidency, then we risk losing the very liberty that this country was founded on. This is exactly why most of our constitution was written in the context of limiting the authority of federal government. We cannot just assume that tyranny can’t happen here. The constitution is just a piece of paper; it is meaningless without the power, determination, and might of the free American people standing behind it. If we don’t show our government in 2010 that we appreciate our freedoms and wish to keep them, then the government will continue to take them away from us. We must stand up for our principals.


  1. This is the one thing some people just don't understand. That once we have a socialized health care put in place, we cannot get rid of it. It is not like tax law, that another administration can just vote out.

    It will,as you pointed out, take a great deal of libert, privacy,and freedom away from the people, private secutor, and stiffle innovation.

  2. Well, your right about the complexity of dismantling socialized medicine. However i disagree, it can be done, but it will take years. we would have to peal it back little by little. you're right, we wouldn't be able to get rid of it all at once, but it could eventually be done.

    That is beside the point however. We must stop this administration before it implements these policies. Outlined in this blog is exactly why we conservatives wish Obama to fail.

  3. I've got a friend that believes Obama is the false prophet of Rev. 13: 11. Others believe Obama is The Antichrist of Rev 13:1. I can't buy into either theory 100% but do believe either theory is possible. The first, even plausable.

  4. I would like not to take things that far. I personally have my own belief on who the Antichrist will turn out to be, but that is a whole other blog altogether.
