It seems only natural now that the Obama administration would turn the debate away from health care reform (a topic in which he is quickly losing support) back to CIA investigations and the famed “Torture Memos.” He must not have discussed this move with Nancy Pelosi first.
I’ll just have to tally that up as yet another promise Obama is going back on. Amazing how many people he is willing to throw under the bus when his approval ratings go down. Now they are back to going after our own Intelligence Agency, under whom I’d like to point out, we haven’t been attacked since the beginning of the war in Iraq. We are looking mighty tough to Al Qaeda right now, aren’t we? First our soldiers are required to read off Miranda Rights to prisoners of war. Now we are moving on to prosecuting our domestic efforts to prevent future attacks. It almost seems as though our president wants to turn our military into our international police, where they are never allowed to actually protect the citizens, but rather to enforce international law (as determined by the UN mind you) after the fact. Well, gee, if he’s going to do that, at least let us keep our assault weapons so we citizens can defend ourselves. Taking these measures is truly detrimental to our security. If we keep allowing ourselves to become more like the rest of the world, then we doom ourselves to their fate. Let’s take for example the fact that under Bush, while the rest of the world was taking attack after attack from terrorists, our country remained safe after 9/11.
As we’ve seen with much of recent legislation, we can’t even trust our own government to look out for our best interests. What makes us think that we can trust our lives to the rules of other governments to keep us safe? These are prisoners of war we are talking about, people who would set off a nuke in an American city and laugh about it if they had the chance, and if we have to rough them up a little to find out what they know about future attacks, then I am perfectly fine with that. If there was ever a time to interject feeling into a debate, it’s now.
2 years ago
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