I woke up this morning, as I’m sure many of you did, to find on my computer screen a news flash of Kennedy’s death. A death is never cause to celebrate, no matter who has died. Whether it be a late term abortion doctor, or an ultra-leftist senator, or even if it had been the president. I, as well as many others, disagreed with his policies and his stances on many issues, and believe his career in the senate should have ended after the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but even still I would have much rather have seen him voted out of office or arrested and move on in continuing to live a fruitful life.
Leave it to Pelosi, however, to use the senator’s death to help push a political agenda. I expected nothing less than this despicable act from the speaker. What should have been a time of mourning and reflection on the accomplishments of Senator Ted Kennedy has now been turned into a guilt trip for opponents of health care. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear something along the lines of “A vote against health care reform is a vote against the life of Ted Kennedy.” When in reality Kennedy has nothing to do with the HR 3200 bill, he’s not even a co-sponsor. Pelosi has sunk to a new low in my mind, and the president would be unwise to join her in this campaign. Ted Kennedy’s life should be honored and his accomplishments remembered, not used as a martyr to ram through legislation that more than half of the people in the country want nothing to do with.
If you are a liberal and expecting to see conservatives hooting and hollering over the death of Ted Kennedy, then I suggest you look into your own party. From the sound of things, it seems like they have just been wishing upon a star for this to happen. Conservatives value life, and mourn when it is lost. For liberals in congress, however, it is just another talking point.
2 years ago
Update: Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia and former Ku Klux Klan member encourages that pending health care legislation (i.e. HR 3200) be renamed in honor of senator Kennedy in a further effort to guilt more votes out of the bill.
ReplyDeleteDon’t doubt me people, they will turn this legislation into a guilt trip, and anyone who votes against it will be called an insensitive bigot who wanted Kennedy dead.